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Survey Resources

Our surveys are quick, easy, and ready for action!


They will help define your

team and give you an inside look at individuals you are working with...

Image by Nanda Green


    Health Survey

In order to make Spiritual adjustments in our life it is good to stop and take an inventory of our current Spiritual experience.  


This is a good evaluation of finding out where your spiritual boundaries are and how to expand... 


  & Ministry Survey

Paul used the human body as a metaphor of what the “body” of believers is like. Each is important, each has a job to do, each would be missed if they weren’t part of the body. 


Now we want you to consider the many different personality traits that God has endowed you with.

Our approach to personality is to show you different traits and the broad range of behavior in each one.

Woman Thinking
Spiritual Gift Survey
Researching and Writing


 Preferences Survey

Usually we have to fill a need that no one else will. Even if we go to a church that promotes volunteerism, often the choices are outside our interests or we don’t know how to choose what is right for us.


The purpose of this book is to help the church by equipping you to volunteer, to take the initiative and find or create a ministry that will best use who you are to the glory of God. 

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