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Spiritual Gift Videos

Do you have these spiritual gifts?  Find out what gifts you have through our FREE SPIRITUAL GIFT SURVEY!  Let's dig deep into the spiritual meaning and background of these gifts and see how to apply them to your life today.




The Gift of Wisdom:

In I Corinthians 12:8 Paul writes, “To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom” (NIV). To have the gift of wisdom then is to be able to apply Biblical, spiritual knowledge to living a Godly life. It is also being able to make scriptural truths relevant and practical in everyday living and decision-making. The “message of wisdom” is being able to know the mind of Christ and His word as it pertains to specific situations.


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The Gift of Teaching:

Romans 12:7 says, “ If it is teaching, let him teach.” In the Biblical language, this meant to communicate the truths of the scriptures so that those that heard put it into practice. Teaching makes difficult truths understandable over time. It is instructing with the goal of the pupil retaining and applying what they learned.
They enjoy seeing people come alive when they get understanding. There is a burden to share the word of God and help people apply it to their own situation.


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The Gift of Service:

In Romans 12:7 Paul writes, “if it is serving, let him serve” (NIV).  In the Biblical language service means to aid, relieve, help, attend, or to wait on people through menial duties. It is where we get our words deacon, minister, and servant.
Service can include almost any work that benefits others. Jesus washed the feet of His disciples and said that the greatest will be servant to the rest.

His disciples were to minister or serve others, especially the needy. It is helping with those unfinished often-thankless details as a servant of God and the church. 


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The Gift of Prophecy:

In Romans 12:6 Paul writes, “If a man’s gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith” (NIV). Strong interprets prophecy as a “prediction (scriptural or other), an inspired speaker; or to speak under inspiration.” In the Old Testament prophecy was often predictive or praying and speaking on behalf of God, calling the people to repent of their sins or face God’s wrath. In the New Testament, because the scripture was not complete, prophecy was speaking on God’s behalf with authority on the Christian experience. Paul writes in
I Corinthians 14:3 that prophecy was to edify, encourage and comfort the believers.


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The Gift of Miracles:

In I Corinthians 12:10,28 Paul writes, “to another miraculous power; God has appointed workers of miracles” (NIV). According to Strong’s Dictionary, a miracle is “a force or power; specifically miraculous power.” This is similar to healing in that both are the result of the supernatural. However, this is not having the gift of doing miracles; for only God has that power. Rather a person with this gift has a deep sensitivity to God’s will in a situation and a deep belief in God’s ability to fulfill His will. They know where man’s ability ends, God’s supernatural ability takes over. 


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The Gift of Mercy:

In Romans 12:8 Paul writes, “if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully” (NIV).  In the Biblical language, mercy means to be led by God to be compassionate in your attitudes, words, and actions. It is more than sympathy, which is pity. It is love in action. This empathy stirs deep inside you and causes you to want to do something. You want to bring relief to the immediate needs that you are aware of. Mercy can be used in helping someone with physical, emotional, financial or spiritual situations.


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The Gift of Leadership:

 In Romans 12:8 it says, “ If it is leadership, let him govern diligently” (NIV). Leadership means to rule, preside or stand over. A leader has a vision and gives direction and oversight to an organization. Whereas the person with the gift of administration steers the boat, the person with the gift of leadership is more like the captain and tells the person at the helm where to steer it. A person with the gift of leadership has a deep passion to help people reach their goals. For the church it may be helping the congregation reach maturity in Christ, evangelize the community or reach out to those in need. 


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The Gift of Knowledge:

In I Corinthians 12:8 it says, “to another the message of knowledge” (NIV). The Biblical meaning is to “know” something experientially, intuitively and in the present. It is subjective “spiritual” knowledge coming from God, revealed to you through the Holy Spirit where you are impressed cognitively by God. In this case, God impresses upon you a relevant insight or message, that applies to the situation at hand..


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The Gift of Helps:

In I Corinthians 12:28 it says “those able to help others” (NIV). The gift of “helps” is different than just passively helping, as in the word “service” or “servant”. Rather in “helps” there is an involvement that goes deeper than just serving someone.           

In the Biblical meaning of “helps” there are three parts to the definition. The first part is that of “helping, bringing relief, giving assistance”. The second part is the concept of “taking hold of something, to succor and to participate”. This part implies involvement on the part of the person helping; a sharing with them deeply. It is more than serving; it is supporting. 


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The Gift of Healing:

IIn I Corinthians 12:9,28,30 it says, “ to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit” (NIV). In the Biblical language, healing means to effect a cure through God’s supernatural power. This gift is similar to faith.  A person with this gift feels free to ask God for His intervention without usurping His sovereignty. There is a deep understanding that they do not have a personal power to heal anyone, but that they have been given a great conviction to pray for healing and to believe in God’s power. Along with giving this conviction to pray, in most cases, God chooses to heal. 


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The Gift of Giving:

IIn Romans 12:8, it says, “ if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously” (NIV). In “Giving” means to impart, to give over, share, bestow, bring forth, commit, deliver or grant. As a spiritual gift, giving is more than just casually giving something to someone. It implies the giving of yourself with the gift.  When a person with this gift sees certain needs, God’s Spirit nudges them in a way that they feel compelled to give what is needed in the situation as an agent of God’s grace and mercy. When they give, the receiver ends up knowing that it is God who orchestrated the whole thing.


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The Gift of Faith:

In I Corinthians 12:9 it says, “and to another faith by the same Spirit” (NIV). Faith means persuasion, credence or moral conviction. It is an assurance and belief. The author of Hebrews wrote, “faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” The gift of faith involves a prompting from God to trust Him for the supernatural, to continue even when there are difficult circumstances.
When a person with this gift learns about certain situations that seem impossible, God seems to nudge them to trust Him. This nudge or “unction” is more than a quiet trust; it is a stepping out and affirming God in the situation.


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The Gift of Encouragement:

Romans 12:8 says, “if it is encouraging, let him encourage” (NIV). The Biblical meaning is to call someone near to console, comfort, exhort, implore with them. Although the goal of this gift is to comfort, motivate and give reason for hope, there is the element of exhortation pointing to the future. The goal is to encourage the believers be what God wants them to be.
A person with this gift is moved when they see someone down and likes to comfort them and motivate them toward change. 


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The Gift of Administration:

 The gift of administration is mentioned in I Corinthians 12:28.  Administration means to govern, pilot, direct or steer. It was used to describe a person that would steer a ship. A person with the gift of administration is a good strategic thinker, organized, has supervisory skills and manages people and projects well. When directions are set by leadership, this person can help accomplish the job efficiently.


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